Chapter 5 Resources

Personalize Your Study

Timeline for study: Here's a resource for preparing your study in the form of a timeline chart to schedule your study during your desired time period. You can also add to or expand your study in particular areas of interest.

Additional Resources

Some of these resources are in the book, but we are adding more resources as we discover them.


Shakespeare Country by Howard Loxton
    This book outlines a bit about young William, his family and his life by way of wonderful pictures of the places he knew. 
Speak the Speech!  by Rhona Silverbush and Sami Plotkin
    Although a book meant for actors, this is a great and in depth book on some of Shakespeare’s monologues. It goes through many of the “language” details mentioned in this book. 
The Everything Shakespeare Book by Peter Rubie
    This is a quick reference for everything Shakespeare! 
Top Ten Shakespeare Stories by Terry Deary
    A fun and quick look at the most beloved plays written by Shakespeare. 
An Usborne Introduction Acting and Theatre by Cheryl Evans and Lucy Smith
    An overview of the art of acting with a bit of history included. 
Shakespeare for Kids by Colleen Aagesh and Maggie Blumberg
    A really great book with Shakespeare’s biography, English history and fun crafts. 
History of the Theatre: Foundation Edition
by Oscar G. Brockett and Franklin J. Hildy
    This is the essential theatre history book. This is the shorter version of the book and gives a great overview of theatre from the origins. 

"Shakespeare" by Another Name
by Mark Anderson
Compelling evidence for the identity of the "real" William Shakespeare. The movie Anonymous was based on this book.

Endnotes Links


1 Ben Jonson, First Folio edition of Shakespeare’s Plays, forward, 1623.
2 Randal Robinson, Unlocking Shakespeare’s Language (ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, 1989).

Chapter 1 - Renaissance
3 Paul F. Grendler, Encyclopedia of the Renaissance (Cengage Learning, 1999).
4 Paul F. Grendler, Encyclopedia of the Renaissance (Cengage Learning, 1999).
5 Paul F. Grendler, Encyclopedia of the Renaissance (Cengage Learning, 1999).
6 Oscar Brockett, History of the Theatre (Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1968), 107.
7 Oscar Brockett, History of the Theatre (Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1968), 113.
8 Sunday Telegraph, “Not Just Theatre but the Capital at its Very Best” 

Chapter 2 - Shakespeare
9 Robert Greene, Greenes Groats-worth of Wit (pamphlet; 1592).
10 anonymous, written with information from two sources: 
<>, <>.
11 anonymous, <http://www.>

Chapter 3 – Shakespeare’s Language
12 anonymous, <>  and also
Robert McCrum, The Story of English (Penguin Books, 2003), 57.
13 Peter, Rubie, Everything Shakespeare Book (Adams Media Corporation, 2002).
14 John Basil, Will Power: How to Act Shakespeare in 21 Days (Applause Theatre and Cinema Books, 2006).

Chapter 4 – Shakespeare’s Approach
15 Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (First published Thu Sep 25, 2008; substantive revision Wed Jul 29, 2015). 
16 Russ McDonald, Bedford Companion to Shakespeare (Bedford/St. Martins Press, 2001).
17 Michael Hattaway, Shakespeare’s History Plays (Cambridge University Press, 2002).


Shakespeare’s Plays
You can find full text versions of the plays online. If you are interested in purchasing paper copies of the plays, you will find many in second hand or thrift stores. I prefer the Arden versions of the plays because they are very well researched and have great footnotes! You may also look for “first folio” editions as they will be closest to the original text without all of the years of editors getting their hands on the texts!

Movies & Videos

Shakespeare's Plays On Video

There have been over 1,100 films of Shakespeare’s plays. If you are interested in finding a good one, look online at the Internet Movie Database and you will see many to choose from!

Here are a few good ones: 
Macbeth (1948) with Orson Welles
MidSummer Night’s Dream (1999) with Kevin Kline and Michelle Pfieffer
Hamlet (1990) with Mel Gibson
Hamlet (1948) with Lawrence Olivier
Much Ado About Nothing (1993) with Kenneth Branaugh and Emma Thomson 

Shakespeare's Life and/or English History 
The Private Life of Henry VIII, 1933
Mary of Scotland, 1939
The Virgin Queen, 1955
A Man for All Seasons, 1966
Elizabeth, 1998
Elizabeth: Golden Age, 2007
Anonymous, 2011
William Shakespeare Conspiracy Theories
In Search of Shakespeare, 2004
Shakespeare Uncovered (series), PBS 


Lap Books

Lapbooks are a simple way to help focus your study. If you are a visual person, and enjoy artistic pursuits, this will be a rewarding exercise. The hands-on experience helps concentration on particular topics, and enhances retention of the material studied.

The basic steps of making a lapbook are:

1. Gather your materials.
       1. a file folder, of any color
      2. various pictures, letters and any other type of scrapbook materials. 
             Check out our Shakespeare & Renaissance Lapbook art for your use.
      3. pens, colored pencils, markers, etc.

2. Dive right in!
       Would you like a thousand more ideas for "How to Make a Lapbook"? Check out this link for ways to fold your folder, make a larger lapbook, and a lot more!

Watch this video to see how to use a Lapbook, as well as several different ways to create one. You will see how to make a basic lapbook, add an additional flap-up insert, create a double & triple lapbook, as well as a pocket for storing extra papers.

What is a Unit study? – This video gives an overview of a unit study, which could work very nicely for your Shakespeare study. (7 min, 13 sec)

Shakespeare Lapbook resources from the ShakeShop Library.